Our Community

Worn for Good

1. Worn for Good is a vehicle for change. You are allowing people to purchase with a conscious, bringing to light confronting challenges our society is facing. With this incredible concept, what do you aim to achieve in the future?

We hope to see people become really aware of where they buy from, and who, and what that purchase stands for—moving away from a trend, seasonal based fashion system to a system that is about longevity and quality of the pieces you buy. We want to push the consciousness of the consumer towards a more sustainable fashion model, not just circular but regenerative, one that gives back to the community. Every dollar counts, and where and what you spend your money on has an impact. We also hope to highlight important issues that people in our society face that might otherwise be overlooked or misunderstood. We want to give these issues a voice on our platform, so our community can learn along with us and develop a connection to these causes.

Hopefully, we strike a balance - fashion should be fun and is about expressing who we are; we want to keep it that way while expanding the community consciousness.

2. How do you see the fashion industry changing in regards to climate change?

We’re already starting to see more transparency from fashion businesses, whether that be the fabrics they are using, where their garments are being made, less designing for seasons and more with longevity in mind, fair pay and working conditions. We mentioned it before, not simply circular fashion but a regenerative fashion industry, one that involves the community, gives back to causes and really seeks to support the environment through better manufacturing and business practices. We think it’s important for businesses with this goal to realise that it can continue to evolve; as technology and the consumer consciousness does, so too can your business model, manufacturing specifications and measures of success.  

3. Pip and Sophie, in your personal life - what do you both do to reduce your waste and carbon footprint?

We both do the obvious things, like reusable coffee cups, composting, cotton shopping bags, buy local produce, refuse straws and seek out pre-loved goods (which is how Worn For Good was born). We are always educating ourselves in this space around what we can do as individuals and in business to reduce waste and have a positive impact on the environment.

4. As part of your impact, you are always investigating the most significant issues in our society and from that how you can give back - what advice can you give our younger generation to avoid these problems getting worse or even happening?

We need to play the long game. These issues won’t be eradicated overnight, and there will always be causes to support them. What we are trying to cultivate is conscious consumption, creating awareness of how impactful your money can be, and spreading awareness of those who are experiencing hardship; people with a cancer diagnosis, those experiencing domestic violence and environmental regeneration.

5. One of the charities you give back through is contributing to environmental restoration, education and carbon sequestration. How can we encourage more people to care about our environment and make sustainable choices?

This comes down to education and how we offer that information, ideally on a personal and relatable level. Sometimes environmental destruction can feel really far away - like icebergs melting in the arctic - and it can be hard to truly connect with the impact this could have on our lives here in Australia. We look to find examples that our community can personally relate to and responses to those issues. Last summer’s bushfires are an example of that; they had a very real impact on our daily lives - of course, to varying degrees - and could be physically felt and seen here in Sydney, with thick smoke hanging around affecting the air that we breath (and take for granted!) most days. The community support for those greatly affected by the fires was astounding, and that’s because it was happening and felt at a local level. Supporting Greening, Australia was an obvious choice for us as a result. Sharing statistics in a very visual way can be so impactful, and allows people to connect to the sheer scale of improper action, and hopefully, this influences their choices as a consumer and as a citizen.

Co-Founders of Worn For Good (Sophie Palmer & Pip Best)